
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Football! Football! Football!


           Walking into my house after work on Saturday, I noticed my family surrounding the couch; my dad sitting in “his” chair, my sister on the floor, and my brother sprawled out on three cushions toppling over my mom. I slowed down, realizing the rare occurrence of my entire family--minus my older sister-- sitting in one room together. I glanced over at the television. The Michigan vs. Michigan State game caught my eye. Of course. Football was the only thing they could all agree on. The rivalry between the two teams? I didn’t care much for it, and neither did the rest of my family. We just loved the game itself.  
           I sat next to my dad and watched the game for a couple minutes. Michigan was losing it’s touch, actually, they never really had it to begin with. Michigan State has an amazing football program but so does Michigan. Both teams have amazing players too.
            You’ve got Tony Lippett as Michigan State's wide receiver. Plus Jack Allen as the center( for those who don’t know what that means, it’s the person that hikes the ball to the QB). For Michigan, you’ve got Gardner as the QB and Miller as the center. Together, both teams put up a good fight throughout the game, but State obviously drew the better straw.  
                                          Brittany’s Take

            I asked my older sister, who wasn’t present for the game, to give her perspective on football. I’ll tell you right now that she’s never been a sporty person.

“No. No football. I hate football.”

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